Data security


A key component of KEYS culture is data confidentiality, security and compliance.

Data risk and recovery protocols, for 360° data security


Clients provide us with sensitive data to manage their accounting function. We implement strict protocols within our IT servers and employees. The Keys team are trained on the implications and procedures of safeguarding our client’s information and conforming to confidentiality policies.

We limit information access and disclosure to authorized users only. Users are authenticated to access any information by passwords that change on a regular basis. We have control methods that limit each identified user’s access to data on our servers. Our PCs and servers are protected against Malware, Spyware, Spam and phishing attacks. We have strict IT policies to ensure integrity, availability and confidentiality of data. We carry out security risk assessments for all the business processes under our confidentiality policies. These cover all aspects of the network and file servers that are used to support business processes. We have also a disaster recovery plan in place, in case of any disasters.

As a result of our policies and procedures, we are confident of our track record and to-date have not suffered a security breach.


"During my time with Keys, I felt secure knowing that Keys data protocols are in place and sensitive files are kept GDPR compliant, backed up and up to date."

Managing Director, White Maze LLC.

GDPR transparency and compliance

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects anyone that is in communication with European citizens and organisations. We are aware of its need to enforce:

  1. data privacy laws across Europe

  2. protection and empowerment of all EU citizens data privacy

  3. compliance accountability of organizations towards data privacy

We conduct strict GDPR training to our staff in Egypt and use its guidance across all our client’s data.

Link- official EU commission website

Link/PDF - GDPR privacy statement